FEED Lit Mag -- Issue 2.4,
"Does Anyone Say Love Struck Them Like a Meteor," "The Questions I Ask My Future Love," and "Waterpocket Folds"
Alluvian - Fall 2017 and Spring 2018
"We Say Water" and "El Niño"
Fourth and Sycamore - 2017
"Midnight Walks on Okaloosa Island"
November Bees - 2017
"We Stand in Blue"
Rat's Ass Review: Love and Ensuing Madness - 2017
"Torch Songs" and "Suburban Mirrors"
Poetry Breakfast - 2017
Cooper Street - 2017
"Passage" and "Shadow, Mistaken" (audio)
Plum Tree Tavern - 2016
"Late Summer Song"
Ekphrastic Review - 2016
Bitterzoet - 2015
Atomic: A Journal of Short Poems - 2015
Three Line Poetry - 2015
"I ask them to roll"
Sllver Birch Press - 2015
"Forks and Knives"
Crack the Spine - 2015
"We are Brave"
Pantone Project - 2015
Footnote: A Literary Journal of History - forthcoming
"Queen's Chapel," "Menagerie," "Bitter Greens," "Devil's Box," "Ten-Cent Banjo," and "These Fingers"
Prairie Schooner - Summer 2020
"Thick Skin Doesn't Work Anymore," "The Text I Will Not Send My Husband," and "It Isn't Only Crime Dramas that Remind Me How Connected We Are"
Slipstream - 2018, Issue 38
"The Fat Girl Takes a Bath"
Plainsongs - Winter 2018
Third Wednesday - Fall 2018
"Home (II)"
"Transfiguration" and "On Waking in a New Room"
NILVX -- 2018
"The Fool"
Appalachian Heritage - 2017
"Playing Forever"
The Avenue - 2017
"One Moment"
Jabberwock Review - 2017
"Sleeping with Strangers," nominated for Best New Poets
Pittsburgh Poetry Houses - 2017
"Bog Poem"
Common Threads - 2016
"Theory of Numbers"
Kindred: The Mason-Dixon Issue - 2016
"Receiving the Children"
Typehouse - Summer 2016
MockTurtle Zine - 2016
"The Road to Lake Malawi"
Common Ground Review - 2015
"Wind from the Sea"
I70 Review - 2015
"Home (I)" and "National Gallery"
Yellow Chair Review: Pop Culture - 2015
"Wish You Were Here"
Burningword - 2015
Kentucky Review - 2015
"Being Wrong"
MockTurtle Zine - 2014
"As He Is" and "Before I Eat"
"The Names of Birds," "Subtle Valleys," "One Sweet Year," "Hunger," and "Sept. 11, 2013"
Wild Turkey - 1995
"Ritual to Cleanse the Ghost of Old Lovers from Dreams"
Nebo - 1994
"American Girls," nominated for a Pushcart Prize
Rio Grande Review -- 1994
"Wanderings: Notes from a Journal," a lyric essay
Emerald Coast Review -- 1993
"A Gift"
Leaving my Shadow: An Anthology in Honor of Anna Akhmatova - forthcoming
"To the Many"
Weaving the Terrain: 100-Word Southwestern Poems - 2017
Blood and Roses: A Devotional for Aphrodite and Venus - 2017
"Where Does Love Go When It's Cold?"
From the Tower: Poems in Honor of Conrad Baillet - 2016
"Utility," "Dogs in Thailand Don't Bark at Strangers," "Dido," and "The National Gallery"
A Rustling and a Waking Within - 2017
"Would You Look Through" and "Lost Persons Waiting Area"
To Unsnare Time's Warp - 2016
Five: Pure Slush - 2016
"Theory of Numbers"
Tecumseh Land Trust
"Lying on the Land," a lyric essay