--Recent News--
May 14, 2022: I'm an invited reader at the University of Arizona Poetry Center Classes & Workshops Reading, 1508 East Helen Street, Tucson, AZ. The reading features students from the Poetry Center's 2021 classes. The event is free. The reading begins at noon. You can see the even live streamed from The Poetry Center's YouTube page as well.
December 29, 2021: It's here. A chapbook I started in Benjamin Saenz's class in 1994 and reworked when I discovered it in a box of old files when I discovered it in 2015 has been published by Uncollected Press. I'll share a link later, but for now, I share my appreciation for all the teachers, reviewers, editors, and friends who helped bring my little book into being. Welcome to the world, We.
April 26, 2021: In 2019, Henry Stanton over at Raw Art Review accepted my chapbook of persona poems, We, for publication. The pandemic has hit many facets of American life, including small-press publishing, but we're hoping this small collection of poems from Southern women's voices will makes its way into the world sometime this year.
April 22, 2021: I'm thrilled that Allison and Jessica over at FEED Lit Mag have accepted three poems for publication from my new work-in-progress, a chapbook titled This Poem Started with a Bird: "The Questions I Ask My Future Lover," "Waterpocket Folds," and "Does Anyone Ever Say Love Struck Them Like a Meteor." Stay tuned. I'm so excited about this collection, written on long drives and hikes over the past couple of years using the voice recording function on my phone.
April 21, 2021: A couple of years ago, I sent a number of poems from two of my verse portraits to the lit mag, Footnote: A Literary Journal of History. I'm thrilled to say that they will be publishing six of my poems in their upcoming Issue #6. The poems include three poems from my portrait of Samantha Bumgarner--"Devil's Box," "Ten-Cent Banjo," and "These Fingers--and three poems from my verse portrait of Christine de Pizan--"Queen's Chapel," "Menagerie," and "Bitter Greens." Thank you, Leah Angstman and Alternating Current Press.
March 16, 2021: I'm still here--reading, writing, revising, and finally submitting work again. You can still hear me at WYSO reading other people's poems for Conrad's Corner.
January 20, 2020: Lori's poems "Thick Skin Doesn't Work Anymore," "The Text I Will Not Send My Husband," and "It Isn't Only Crime Dramas that Remind Me How Connected We Are" will appear in Prairie Schooner in Summer 2020.
December 13, 2019: Join me at the Glen Helen Building at Antioch College for a Solstice Poetry Reading at 7:30 pm. There will be an open mic after the invited poets read. Can't wait to hear your work.
April 14, 2019: Join me at Books & Co at the Greene in Dayton where I'll be leading a workshop on the persona poem. Find out more information here.
April 2019: Frederic Marion asked me some great questions. You can find the answers on his blog here.
October 2018: Plainsongs has published Lori's poem "Salvage" in their Winter 2018 issue.
September 22, 2018: Lori's poem "Home (II)" appears in Third Wednesday's fall issue.
May 16, 2018: Quill's Edge Press honored Lori's chapbook, "Turbulence," as a semi-finalist in their 2017 chapbook contest.
May 2018: Lori, along with David Garrison, will take over production of Conrad's Corner, a local poetry program, in May 2018. They will continue to bring local poets, well-loved poems, and new voices to the program, airing at 7:59 p.m. on weekdays, Saturday at 6:59 a.m. and Sundays during The Dear Green Place. The program is also available as a podcast.
April 30, 2018: Lori's poem "El Niño" appears in Alluvian's Spring 2018 issue.
February 4, 2018: Lori's poem "La Porte du Non Retour" will appear in the next issue of Potomac Review.
February 4, 2018: Lori's poem "The Fat Girl Takes a Bath" will appear in Slipstream's water-themed issue in the Summer 2018 issue.
February 3, 2018: Lori's poem "Open" served as the inspiration for Weslie Detwiler's ceramic art in the project, Words Made Visible. The show will be on display at The Soap Gallery throughout the month of February. Thanks to Liz Hill and Karen Schubert at Lit Youngstown for bringing poets and artists together.
November 2017: Lori's poem "The Pull" appears in Weaving the Terrain: 100-Word Southwestern Poems,edited by David Meischen and Scott Wiggerman and published by Dos Gatos Press.
November 7, 2017: Lori reads Lianne Spidel's poem "October Waves" on WYSO.org.
September 28, 2017: Lori reads Kathy Austin's poems, "Sweet October" and "Change of Season" on WYSO.org.
July 18, 2017: Lori reads Rita Coleman's poem "Wounded Heart" on WYSO.org.
July 18, 2017: Lori's poem "Playing Forever" appears in the Spring 2017 edition of Appalachian Heritage.
July 5, 2017: Lori reads her poem "Dawn" on WYSO.org.
June 2017: NILVX: A Book of Magic I(II) included Lori's poem "The Fool" in their tarot issue.
March 22, 2017: Lori's poem "Midnight Walks on Okaloosa Island" is online at Fourth and Sycamore.
March 17, 2017: Jabberwock Review nominated Lori's poem "Sleeping wtih Strangers" for Best New Poets.
February 26, 2017: Lori's poem "Winter Rain" is online at Poetry Breakfast.
Feb 2, 2017: Lori's "Bog Poem" is up over at Pittsburgh Poetry Houses.
January 7, 2017: Lori's poem "In the Absence of Wolves" appears online at SOFTBLOW.